Studio Policies


Lesson tuition must be paid in advance each four weeks (monthly).  Payment must be received prior to or at the beginning of the first lesson of each four-week period. Payments may be made by cash or check. Receipts will be offered upon request. Payment for lessons is non-refundable.

Attendance & Cancellations

In the situation wherein I need to cancel a lesson, the student will be notified as far in advance as possible.  If the lesson cannot be rescheduled within the week, the student will be credited for an additional week and lessons will continue as normal the following week.

Students are expected to attend all lessons. If a student is absent or cancels a lesson, the student will be charged for that week.  However, if I am given at least a 24-hour notice, I will do my best to reschedule the student’s lesson within the week. If I am unable to do so, the student will still be charged in full for that week.

Student promptness is the responsibility of the student/parent. Time lost due to late arrival will not be made up.


I will locate and purchase appropriate materials (lesson books, flash cards, etc) for students on an as-needed basis. Students are responsible for reimbursing me upon receiving the materials. Students will always be notified of my intent to purchase materials before I do so.

Recitals and Master Classes

Students are strongly encouraged to attend and perform at all recitals and master classes. These are not mandatory, but are provided at no additional charge and greatly enhance the experience of taking lessons.  Please take advantage of these opportunities and be involved!

Practice Expectations

Students must have access to an appropriate instrument on a regular basis for practice.

A consistent practice routine is necessary to make satisfactory progress on any instrument. Expectations for individual practice vary depending upon age and personal situation of each student. Regardless, all students are generally expected to prepare whatever materials are assigned each week.

Family Responsibilities (if student is a child)

Positive parental involvement is essential to successfully learning an instrument. Parents will be notified of the student’s weekly expectations. Please speak to me directly for additional ways to foster healthy practice routines and growth at playing an instrument.

Termination of Lessons

Please give me at least one month’s notice prior to termination of lessons, for any reason.  I reserve the right to terminate lessons with a student at my discretion.  I will discuss reasons for the desire to terminate lessons and give one month’s notice before any termination with which I request.

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